
Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is it about my aura that says "twins"?

I met a woman at the park yesterday while there with 3 of my boys.

She was there with her adorable, two year old, twin girls.

As the kids were playing we got talking about our children (as most women do) at it came out that I have 4...not 3 boys. It took her a few minutes to recover from her shock. Truly.

I told her about Rob's "prophetic" prediction...that we would have 4 boys and one girl. She seemed a bit stunned by that too but the conversation continued. Laughing I told her of Rob's amendment to his previous prediction....that, yes, we would have four boys but he now thought we would have one "girl pregnancy" but that there would be two babies ("Wouldn't that be so cute," Rob says the day he amended early prediction (which just happened to be THE DAY OF MY ULTRASOUND WITH can we not get through one pregnancy before we start planning the next)).

Anyway... The look on this ladies face was priceless. She gasped, "Oh my gosh....I was just going to say that." She said she "knew it" just as soon as I told her that "back when we were dating my husband said we would have four boys and one girl." She thought "No, she is going to have twin girls."

Over and over she kept saying, "I was just going to say that."

All I could do was laugh. I have lost exact count but she is now the 5th or 6th random, as in never have met before in my life, person to predict my next pregnancy is going to be twin girls. Most of them just stop me in the store and tell me so...without ever hearing Rob's own "prophetic" prediction.

It's kind of....interesting (for lack of a better word).

What is it about my aura that says "twins"?

I told Rob about it last night. He had a good laugh. He joked about how disappointed I will be if/and or when I do get pregnant next time and it is not twins.

The truth is....I probably will be. Even though the thought of having any more kids right now, let alone twins, sends me into hysterics.

As part of the "joke" I already have names picked out for my twin girls (although Rob doesn't like one of them). Not that I want twins, necessarily. I would probably cry....HARD. I have just come to terms with it in a way. Like it's inevitable.

I never think about my next pregnancy without thinking about "them"...the two of them.

How bizarre is that? Am I crazy? (okay...don't answer that)

Four boys and twin girls....CAN YOU IMAGINE? Only time will tell....and I guess if you are not reading my blog in the next 3-5 years (and I pray that it is at least that) you may never know how it turns out. :)

Scary....but then again.....


  1. But really, wouldn't you guys have some super cute twin girls???? Maybe all these random people tell you this so you can get used to the idea

    And call me crazy, too, but I want twins. Even after having three, I still want them!

  2. Uuhhhh. I don't know to say I'm hoping for you or what. I can say praying for you. I wouldn't be surprised. I get the feeling of wanting to ball your eyes out at the thought of another kid, yet at the same time you know it will come. If you do get twins, I will be excited and cry for you at the same time. They're a blast, but you'll lose your mind. I hear it gets better....

  3. How fun for you to have 2 girls if you did have twins! You are an awesome mom and I think you don't give yourself enough credit sometimes. :) I am excited to see if you end up having twin girls, wouldn't that be crazy?!

  4. Glory be!! I'm glad the twins aren't on the way yet -- I'd have to move in with you for months and I'm not sure Dad is up to the Granny T watch for THAT long. I haven't forgotten your twin girl names though -- VERY CUTE even if Rob isn't on board yet. Love you!

  5. I don't think Rob is entitled to say how they are named...I never was. Oh was that my outside voice typing? Anyway, luckily no one can get revelation for you but you and Russian women are notoriously superstitious. Believe me...I know.

  6. All I can say is that I am glad I don't seem to have that same "twin aura"!!! lol
    Seriously though, those would be some super cute girls.

  7. I hope that if you have twins that you just have fun with it. It is in the family anyway. Wow. That would be CRAZY. I love reading your blog. Love the updates. They're fabulous! :) Love you to pieces!

  8. I think it is inevitable to have boys who cut their heads open. We are two for two. I think we should just always have super glue at home. In regards to the milk story, isn't it great how kids can add things to your to do list faster than you get them done? I have been mean lately and hand the little broom and dustpan/rag and tell Benjamin to clean up his spills.

  9. MEL!! You have twin girls and I'll have twin boys! My father in law 'prophesied' we'd have twin boys the day we got married (these Lamanites with their gifts of the spirit...), so every pregnancy I've waited to see if this is the one. Not yet & now not for a few years. Miss you guys lots & can't wait to see you when we go to Jillian's graduation!

  10. Wow! I don't think I've ever heard of Rob's prediction! Crazy! Can't wait to find out! (in 3-5 years of course;)

  11. Ok, well if anyone deserves a girl it is you. I wouldnt wish twins on my worst enemy, but you would probably handle them with a lot more grace than me!! HA HA
    And your story of my hubby was hilarious, he was quite the evil boy back then.

  12. If it happens, you have to figure that someone (Higher Up, if you catch my drift) knows you can handle it.
    I love ya, I've had you on my mind....although twins weren't involved in any way, LOL

  13. Well, of course you would have adorable girls! TWINS would scare the heck out of me though. Especially if they're like Halli, oh sheesh. But I guess if they choose to come at the same time, that's how we have to take them. Our friends have two sets of twins... each set is a boy and a girl. What are the odds of that?? You've got me SO interested in what happens, in 2-3 years!! (really 2-3 years? uh huh -just kidding) So don't be hiding it if/when it happens!!

  14. I think you SHOULD have TWINS! :D But I may be a little biased! You will have 4 older brothers to help you raise them lol!!! Redheads make great mothers of twins. I hope you do have twins! One thing with my pregnancy before i found out what i was having, i would ask people what they thought i was having and MANY said twins. I was like, "sHa right, whatever" and look what happened. why is it the complete strangers can tell you what you are having? SO, when will you be announcing to us that you have twins ;)

  15. Everyone's doing it, Mel. T wants three more girls.
