
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rare moments of the destructive and naughty


Treasuring a rare, quiet and tender moment of motherhood

Rare indeed. Most of our "moments" are filled with purposefully destructive and naughty behavior (at least where a certain 3 year old is involved). As evidenced:
Poor thing didn't even see it coming.

I refrained from yelling.



  1. You seriously made me laugh out loud! Maybe because I have two certain 2 and 3 year olds that have a slight destructive side!!
    Nice work on not yelling........wish I could say the same for today.

  2. I am surprised that all of mine have made it unscathed so far (knock on wood*no pun intended*). I have all of mine in a glass cabinet in my entry way. They played around with them at one point, but now they leave them alone. Sorry yours got broken. It was a really cute one!

  3. We have (had) that same figurine and it met exactly the same fate!

  4. Hmmm....Off with their HEADS?! Ha, Ha. Poor Isaac, he has no chance! I'm afraid, Brogan may be destined to the same fate!

  5. well done. Sometimes the Spirit gently and very quickly reminds me to control my temper. I'm having more moments like you :)

  6. Sometimes I think kids are cute because otherwise you'd kill 'em.

    Pretty sure I would have yelled. Good job.

  7. That was absolutely hilarious. I love your sense of humor.

  8. Kudos indeed! Resin glue is the way to go with the willow tree stuff. Glues like E6500. We have had accidents with those too. :)

  9. I laughed. Hard. Thanks for being so real about parenting. It's insane, and my girls aren't that bad. You've got some mad skills to wrangle the group you've got.

  10. Wow! I'm impressed. Pretty sure I would have yelled. Maybe even spanked :( (Oh, no, I never do that ;) He He. My 4 yr old seems a lot like your 3 yr old! I hope we both survive ;)

  11. grr. Good job refraining from the yelling and ranting. Kudos for sure.

  12. Oh man! I hope you gave her a proper burial.
