
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Frozen Fruit Ice Cream

I read something on some blog (I cant remember which one) the other day about freezing sliced bananas and making ice cream out of them.  I had some bananas that were ripe and decided to try it.  I never ended up getting around to it and almost forgot completely.

Tonight the kids were pestering me about dessert (of which I did NOT want to have...I have been feeling very yucky fatty lately) and I remembered the bananas.

This I could do.

I blended the bananas up with some frozen raspberries and a little milk.

While pulling out the fruit, I noticed some leftover super delicious whole wheat buttermilk pancakes I made a few days ago and got an idea.  I heated them up (slowly so they were not chewy) and topped them with a scoop of the banana/raspberry ice cream.  Added a little drizzle of caramel syrup (because you can be TOO healthy, of course).

It was so tasty!  It sounds weird but it was SOOOOOO GOOD!  SOOOOO GOOD!

And much more healthy and fibrous that vanilla ice cream over double chocolate brownies (Oh...brownies).

I so impressed my impromptu culinary self that I had to take a picture. 

I am quite a amateur in the kitchen (and with the camera for that matter) but I'm learning.


  1. You're too funny, and I think you're totally creative, effort is what it is all about. I read about blending up a frozen banana too, and had completely forgotten about it, we'll have to try it out.

  2. I freeze all my ripe bananas for smoothies, but never knew that they make "ice cream" I will have to try it! Looks yum! For dessert the other day, I made brownies, but instead of oil and egg, I added a can of pumpkin. So, just a low fat brownie mix and a can of pumpkin. They were yum! Jason wished they had crisped around the edges (his favorite part), but liked them in spite of that.

  3. I am going to try the banana ice cream tonight for FHE. Looks great!
    I love your creative skills with that pot of gold...pure genius!

  4. Melanie you are so funny. HAHAHA. And I am SO happy you created and delish dessert. Well done, friend.

    P.S. You can actually pop the entire banana in the freezer. Peel and all. It's protected quite well. When I want to use them (smoothies, banana bread. etc.) I thaw them to the desired un frozenness. Still good.

  5. So yummy! I think you do awesome! It looks just like things that I make ;)
