
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pause for breath, in the midst of projects...

HOLY MOLY! Is this time of year ever CRAZY!?!? (okay, it hasn't ALL been crazy)

I feel like there is so much to do...and so much to say.  But who has time for both?  I don't.  At least not without forgoing precious goodie devouring time.

I have a lot of things I want to post about...but I'm really busy trying to finish Christmas projects.

I don't know why, at every other time of the year, I am content to be non-crafty and non-artsy and non-anything to do with the word "project"...but then the holidays come and I feel the need to be all of these's crazy....anyway...

here's a peek into the "chaos" that has become my every waking hour...

For the first project (aka Christmas present) I'm using my software (for discount promo code see sidebar).  I'd love to show you a sample but the people I am giving it to read this blog (darn!).

Okay...maybe a hint of a sample.....

And...this year's "homemade sewing project" for the boys...

It may have a little something to do with this:

and these: 

(There is a story behind it....a good one...I'll explain...later!)

(and I'd show you the sewing projects from years past but I've deleted the posts...that's a whole other story.) 

I've been making some of these (and I'm gonna show you how, too....later):
 and lastly...
a project to remedy this:

 (and, although it is not a "Christmas" project, per se, it is one that NEEDS, three weeks ago) you can see...I've got a lot going on. shopping's not done yet...and I haven't started making "neighbor" treats (but I've been eating plenty of the ones brought to me)...and I haven't decided, yet, if I am going to hold my annual "attempt at fighting off homesickness (knowing that my extended family is all gathered together on Christmas Eve) Christmas Eve soup get together" (something I've done EVERY year (going on 5 now) since we moved away from "home" (my family).  I'm just not sure I can pull it all together this year.


So much to do....and only 10 days left!

Guess I better got off the computer then.  :)

Just one question...are you ready????


  1. Is that a nativity made out of cinnamon sticks?! Everything looks awesome Mel. Hang in there and enjoy the season too.

  2. Stop... take a moment and just breathe deep (unless doing that makes you nauseous, LOL).

    Everything doesn't have to be "perfect" - do the best you can, and it be what it is.

    One year I bought cookies and goodies at the store for neighbor gifts - no time, no energy, no problem. Make it easy on yourself where you can - then let go and let God! Hang in there!!

  3. oh and by the way... loved the drawings posted!! are they the work of talented boys in the Testosterone Overload household? artistic masterpieces, worthy of refrigerator posting!!

  4. Yes Sheena....cinnamon sticks, clove, and star anise....oh, and some twine. They are SO CUTE! (and they smell nice too). :)

    Rebecca--thanks for the encouragement. Really...I am trying to take it in stride. A little here...a little there...and time out for my chillins. And, Yes...those drawings were done by G-McBabe and Little Red. The story is pretty awesome. I'll post it when I get done with the project. :)

  5. Oh my you are busy! I honestly can't wait to see the details on what you are making. I am in LOVE with that pretty.
    Best of luck on all of your ambitions. I am kind of feeling like I may have given up this year with my monster to-do list ;)

  6. Oh, Man, Melanie!! Ditto to everything! I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Pretty sure that is not how you are suppose to feel this time of year!

    I am almost done...just have some last minute things and then it's yummy baking time(my favorite part too)

    Can't wait to see you guys in a week or so!

  7. They look great so far! I can't wait to see the finished project!
