
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Making Whites Whiter!

I'm here today to talk laundry....AGAIN!  Why?  Because, as a mother of 4 boys, my life revolves around laundry.  My life IS laundry.  Laundry...Period.  :)

As you can see, I've been putting it off for the last few days.  Instead I've been busy painting my living room, cleaning up after painting my living room, teaching aerobics, holding cub scouts, preparing meals, changing diapers.....

Well, when my two oldest came to me complaining for lack of clothing to wear to school I realized the job could be put off no longer.

Here's what I saw after #3 gathered all of the baskets...
And these isn't even all of it.  I already had a load in the washer and the dryer.


To make matters worse, I had just emptied my LAST cup of store bought laundry detergent into the washer.  Sigh....

Time to get back to FRUGALNESS!

Luckily I had all the ingredients on hand for my thrifty, nifty Homemade Laundry Detergent.  I tweaked it a bit this time (taking some tips from Why Not Sew).  We'll see if I like it better.

The REAL reason for my post today is because I am trying out a NEW method of making WHITES WHITER!  I found this little ditty on Pinterest (my new best friend) and am totally going to try it out.

In this house, NOTHING stays white for long.  Why should it when it can be stained with grass, dirt, and general muck, right?

Here is the "recipe":

HOT water
1 cup of laundry detergent (I'm using my homemade soap)

1 cup powdered dish washer detergent 

1 cup bleach (or color safe bleach if any color present)

1/2 cup borax

 Fill the washing machine with HOT WATER (you can even BOIL a gallon or so of water on the stove to add to the washer to make it that much hotter). Then add the "ingredients".  Agitate the machine for a few minutes (BEFORE ADDING CLOTHES) to allow dishwasher detergent to dissolve.  THEN add clothes.  Allow clothes to soak for as long as you can (overnight if possible).  Finish cycle.

Because I have some time restraints (aka a million loads to get through today) and didn't have time to allow the load to soak in the washer, I turned to the bathtub.  Yep...I said the bathtub (or a plastic tote would do).

I filled it with hot HOT water (yeah, we keep our water heater up pretty high), then added the laundry soap and bleach.

Next I filled a large pan with a gallon of water, set it on the stove to heat, and then added both the dishwasher detergent and the borax.  By the time the water reached a boil, the detergent/borax had dissolved.

I added the water/detergent/borax to the bathtub and stirred.  Now for the clothes.

(I would have taken a picture of this but I'd rather not post a pic of my unmentionables on the internet, thank you very much.) 

I let the load soak in the tub for several hours (5-6) and then transferred them, in a basket, to the washing machine. 

I ran them through a regular HOT cycle, with an extra rinse for good measure.

The end result was spectacular.

 It truly did make my "whites" whiter.

I think I will make a regular habit of this.  It's very nice to see things "glow" again.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm working on a Liebster award post and one of the requirements is that we have to nominate other blogs with 200 or less followers. I'd like to nominate yours. If you want to join in, please click on over in a few, after I've finished and posted, and you'll see what it entails.
