
Monday, November 21, 2011

Zaycon Foods--Ground Beef Event

It's Here.  Zaycon Foods Ground Beef Event Now open!

Head on over to
to see where and when it will be 
available in your area.
(current beef event available in AZ, CA, ID, NV, OR, UT, and WA)

FRESH 93/7 Super* Lean Ground Beef
only $2.89 lb

 • Fresh, Premium, Fine Grind 93/7 Super* Lean Ground Beef

• Comes in a 40-lb case with four 10-lb chubs per case (approximate weight--see note below)

• No chemicals, additives or water added to meat during processing

• Processed at a USDA-inspected, state-of-the-art plant employing strict operating protocols (including HACCP) and the highest in food-safety standards

• Prior to processing, inspectors from the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service randomly sample cattle under a monitoring plan and perform testing for antibiotic residues

* USDA nutrition labeling standards defines "extra lean" and "lean" ground beef based on the lean/fat ratio. While not part of these guidelines, the term "super lean" is often used in the grocery sector to describe ground beef at the upper end of the "lean" category (i.e., "Zaycon Foods 93/7 Super Lean Ground Beef"). This ground beef product is 93% lean and 7% fat

[NOTE:  This product is an approximate weight. Some cases will weigh slightly less than 40 lbs. Customers receiving cases less than 40 lbs will receive an exact credit representing this difference in their ZF account.]

Keep it all to yourself...or split it with a friend.  

Hurry on over and order yours today!

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