
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"BBC chicks" movie club---Under the Greenwood Tree

Tonight, I had the privilege of attending our first ever "BBC chicks" movie club movie night.

It was a blast.   

Good food, good company.....good (doesn't even to begin to describe it) movie.

Tonight.....Under The Greenwood Tree....

Oh. My. Lanta.......

I'd never seen it before but went in good faith, trusting our "leader" and her choice.  And....let me tell you, she did a bang up job.  It was FANTASTIC!

My heart pitter-pattered the ENTIRE time.

In fact....Whew!....there it goes again just thinking about it.

There were a few good "Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett" moments....and some super "savory" smooches too (all in clean fun, of course).

But my oh my.....

There's nothin' like a good romance.......

Anyhow....I would HIGHLY recommend this one.  HIGHLY!

Maybe Rob will buy it for me for Christmas (oh...and if you have a BBC/romance lover in your house, think......CHRISTMAS!)

At any rate....I can't wait for next month.


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Just keep in mind that I don't make recommendations lightly.


  1. Oh my.......I am convinced to see this one (I would be running to the store to buy it at this moment if I could!). I love BBC flicks.

  2. yeah! i'm so glad you loved it. i may just have to re-watch some of those scenes today :)

  3. it. You wont regret it!

    and are one lucky chick! Savor the scenes for me, too, will ya?

  4. I am recently becoming a BBC chick flick lover. How fun to have a monthly group get together!
