
Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Testosterone Overload kills brain cells"

I decided, just now, to Google the name of my blog, Testosterone Overload, and see what it came up with.

Of course a link to my blog did, but just a few hits down I saw this one.

  • Testosterone Overload Kills Brain Cells - Early Retirement ...

    It made me laugh....really hard.
    As the only female in a home with a definite overload of testosterone I can totally identify with this statement.
    Slaughtered brain cells....check.
    Looking for early retirement....check.

    ha ha ha ha it.


  1. Hi Melanie! I just saw your blog in the featured bar at TMB and jumoed over to check you out. I like! I've got 3 boys of my own (+ 3 girls), so I hear ya' on the TO thing.
    Love to have you pop by for a visit sometime. I'm at

  2. Love that you can find humor in anything...well, most things. Love ya!

  3. Ha ha! I am right there with ya!
    It was fun seeing you guys this weekend.

  4. Man, I could have sworn you were this girl working out at the gym with me. When I went to make sure she flipped me off. I was kinda sure it wasn't you! Just kidding!
    You cute testosterone overloaded woman, I wish I could work out with you!

  5. This post has been removed by the author.

  6. thanks so much for the wonderful comment now following you.

  7. I grew up as the only girl with older brothers ... WOWEE! When I found out I was having a boy first, I (no exaggeration here) started sobbing and made hubs walk the 2 miles home with me (instead of taking the transit like we normally did) -- gotta love those pregnancy hormones, aye?

    Of course, I adore my little guy ... but yup! those bad smells and bad jokes are just as I remembered :)

    (Not sure how I found you -- MMB, I think? I love your blog though)
