

Mealtime at my house is usually a little bit like this:
"What are we having? We are having the result of the past three hours I've spent in this kitchen slaving over a hot stove in order to provide nourishment for my family!  Not THAT again! Yeah, and I'm pretty sure we'd better like it"

I'm always on the lookout for money saving recipes.  Especially ones that my kids will actually eat (oh...and I do try for healthy...most of the time.  he he he...)

Here are a few we've found, tested, and eaten...with minimal complaint (some even WITHOUT complaint):

Multi-Grain Muffins
Basic Granola

Easy Granola Bars

Super Tasty Refried Beans (without lard)
"Cream of" Soups Recipe

Worlds BEST Carmel Popcorn
Frozen Fruit Ice Cream

How To:
Soak, Cook, Measure, and Store Dry Beans