
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DIY Dry Erase Wall Calendar

I know, shocker...I am finally posting on this blog.  Gasp!

Remember when I said I was going to take a month break?  Yeah, well when that was over we found out we were moving....then we prepared for the move...then we moved...all the while, while I was NOT blogging I was, instead, obsessing over Pinterest.  Which is why we are here today.

I've started decorating my house.  $uper Frugal (Pinterest inspired) Style.

You see...while the house we bought may be new to us, it is definitely not new.  It was built in the late 70's.  I really don't mind that, except that in the foreseeable future it will need a few repairs.  (Starting with ripping out the nasty animal/urine stained carpet that was SUPPOSED to have been cleaned professionally.  Never happened.).  So...I need to be $aving money anywhere I can on more "frivolous" things. 

That's why I am ecstatic about today's project.  It didn't cost me a thing.  I had all the supplies already (that NEVER happens).

I have been scoping out Dry Erase Wall Calendars on Pinterest and found a few that I liked but didn't LOVE.  So...I used those ideas as a "guideline" and made up my own.  Now...before you all go thinking I am a creative genius, you are wrong.  This took me HOURS upon HOURS to think up...and it really only evolved as I got going.  I'm really surprised it turned out so tell you the truth.

Supplies used:
*Picture frame (I used an old one my mother-in-law gave me years ago...Walmart has them for cheap)
*Paint for frame (if you want to change the color)
*Polyurethane to seal paint (which I haven't actually put on yet because SOMEONE threw it away during the move....Roberto!)
*Strip of my new favorite fabric (Paisley Floral Cream -by Sophia, purchase at Jellys Roll 2 Go)
*Coordinating Scrapbook Paper
*Permanent Marker
*Wrapping paper (with grids on the back)

Honestly, the HARDEST part was trying to measure and evenly space the boxes.  I may, or may not, have sworn in my head (or even out loud) a few (many) times.  Seriously!  I ended up using wrapping paper that I (surprisingly) had.  I used the grids to help measure the two inch length (my boxes are 2.75 inches by 2 in) so at least a few of my lines would be strait.  :)

FYI...the days of the week ("Sunday, Monday, etc") and "notes" were written directly on the scrapbook paper, the boxes are drawn on the INSIDE of the glass (so the lines stay month after month), and the month ("May") and days of the month ("1, 2, 3, etc") are written on the OUTSIDE of the glass (so you can erase and change them every month).

I'm really REALLY happy with the finished product.  

It's to be the main focal point on the empty kitchen.  I was sure to incorporate all of the colors I want to use in the entire room to draw them all together. 
More $uper Frugal (Pinterest inspired) projects to come, I am sure.

Signing out,