
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How To: Clean and Deodorize Your Dishwasher

Does your dishwasher look like this?
(or some other nasty variation of it?)
Do you find little food particles stuck to your "clean" dishes?
Do your dishes smell "fishy", even after they have been washed?

Mine did.  And it was grossing me out.  Big time.   

So I did a little research (here and here) and set about fixing the problem. 

All it takes is a little vinegar.  Really!   

$uper easy....$uper cheap! (Commercial products can be expensive...and are not necessary.)

Step 1  Fill a cup or bowl with 1 cup vinegar (distilled white is best).  
Step 2  Place cup/bowl on top rack of EMPTY dishwasher.
Step 3  Run dishwasher through a REGULAR wash cycle, hot of water as possible (heat dry not necessary)

Not brand new...but a VAST improvement.
I even stuck my head in there and "took a big whiff".
Ahhh....fresh.  No more "fishy" smell.

For more extensive cleaning/deodorizing try these tips:
1.  Remove utensil holder and lower rack
2.  Use an old toothbrush or dish scrubber to clean around inside of dishwasher door (paying close attention to crevices and rubber seal) with HOT soapy water.
3.  Use a sponge or clean cloth to wipe down the entire interior of the dishwasher, including the bottom (pay close attention to the drain where food particles collect).
4.  Replace utensil holder and lower rack. 
5.  Repeat steps 1,2 and 3 from above, only pour an additional cup of vinegar over the bottom of the dishwasher as well.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Homemade Valentines Card

Okay, so I know I'm supposed to be taking a break for a while. But...I couldn't help but post something about this cute homemade Valentines card I made for my better half.

I don't know about you, but I cant STAND paying more than a dollar for a card. In fact, more often than not I gift without cards...because I can't fathom forking more than matter how cute they are.  Call me cheap, if you will.  I prefer the term "practically frugal".

This year I decided to use my My Memories Scrapbooking Software to whip up something simple (and FREE).  Here's what I came up with.
embellishments- MMS software, paper-north pole express pack,

paper-North Pole Express Pack
I printed the first page out on velum and the second on heavy white card stock and then fastened them to another piece of folded card stock.  Simple....cute....and $UPER FRUGAL.

I LOVE FRUGAL!  Don't you?


P.S.  If you'd like to order My Memories Suite Scrapbooking Software for yourself, or someone you LOVE,  use promo code STMMMS10850 at checkout and save $10!  (making it only $29.97 plus you'll have $10 to use at the MMS online scrap store). 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Kryptonite


This $uperwoman has found her Kryptonite. I've found a few things contributing to my ultimate demise.

Winter/overcast skies being at the top of the list.

Overdoing, under-planning, loss of priorities, Pinterest (he he), lack of sleep, etc.......

Life has begun burying me in it's rubble and I'm loosing the strength to fight back.  I must take action now.  

Okay....a bit melodramatic, I know.  

The truth of the matter is this...I've taken on too much and lack the energy to do it all. 

Keeping up with three blogs, 4 boys, laundry, cooking, cleaning, frugal living (let's face takes time), volunteer work, exercise, couponing etc, etc, just too much for me right now.

I really need a nap.....a long one.

So....I'm taking a break.  Just a little one.

I need time to access life and get my priorities back in order.

In the meantime I'll be storing up and implementing all sorts of $uper frugal ideas to share with y'all.

Don't miss me too much.  :)

I'll be back before you know it.


Monday, February 6, 2012


Bethany Wolf
And thank you everyone else for your participation in the PAPARAZZI ACCESSORIES GIVEAWAY!

If you didn't win but are still interested in purchasing some of this $UPER cute product, or if you would like more info on becoming a consultant yourself,
contact Lacy @ paparazzipayson @ gmail . com