
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Giveaway- dinnerRevolution ecookbook...EVERYONE wins!

Since my first giveaway completely flopped (thanks to all three of you who responded) I decided to try it again with something actually worthwhile.  :)

Here goes...Take two...

Chef Jeff Pirtle is about to launch a new e-cookbook, dinneRevolution, and wants YOU, as in, my readers, to try it out first.

Awesome, eh?

I mean, who couldn't use more dinner ideas.  Especially ones that require less than 10 ingredients and take no more than 30 minutes to prepare. 

I've already had a look-see and am really excited. 

I'm especially psyched about the vegetarian dishes (no i am not a vegetarian...I just LOVE a good recipe without meat.  Good for the body..good for the budget).

 The Crispy Black Bean Burrito and the Penne with Pesto and Veggies sound especially yummy!  Don't they?

Just click here to get your FREE copy.


So...go ahead.  Get it, enjoy it....

My very existence in one word..."poop"

I'm frustrated.  I grab the phone and go outside.  Mail...I'll check the mail.  That's what I'll do.  Just get me out of here.

When I'm done I sit on the front lawn and call Rob at work.

"How are you?"  he says.



"I have wiped bums over 40 times today and  ___________ (we will call him child XYZ) has pooped in his pants three times in the last 45 minutes.  I swear, I'm gonna scream." 

"So what are you gonna do?"

"I told him he had to put on a pull up and would have to pay me for every one of them he poops in.  And...HE'S UPSET with me because I wont let him go outside and jump on the trampoline (do you blame me?...visions of poop...eveRYwhere)."

Just then another child comes out and says, "Mom...I have to go poop."

Rob starts laughing. CASE. IN. POINT!

Can we say probiotics....HELLO! (which I have already administered)

If only that was that.

While I am sitting here typing child XYZ comes in from playing outside and says, "Mom, were you REALLY serious about me having to pay you for the pull-ups?"




I put him on a potty time out.  "Just stay there for a while,"  I said.


I'm leaving for an undisclosed amount of time as soon as Rob gets home.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Browse first giveaway...THREE LUCKY WINNERS!

I'm taking a vacation from responsibility this week (aka we are in Utah visiting family and friends and... more family). 


Can you feel that?  It's freedom from housework. 

I love having a break from "reality"...hehehe!

I'm going to try and take a vacation from writing too...(although I must admit an idea (for my other blog) came to me on the drive down and I had to go with it...yeah...notebook and pen which eventually evolved into a borrowed laptop computer...I couldn't help it.  And I'll tell you what...the 11 hour drive has NEVER gone by so quiclkly).

So, I challenge you this week to browse through my blog, read up on what you may have missed. 

Especially if you are new here. 

And then it's GIVEAWAY TIME!

Here is how it will will get one entry every time you leave a comment letting me know you have done one of the following things:

* Browse around this blog and leave a comment telling me about your "favorite" post and why it's your favorite!

*Become a "follower" of Testosterone Overload (click on follow (on the side bar) and add your name).  If you already "follow" this blog (all 14 of you) leave a comment letting me know you already do.

*Subscribe to feeds on Testosterone Overload. (under "subscribe")

*Jot on over to my new(ish) blog (Methodical Musings of an Unbalanced Woman) for a look.  Browse around...let me know what you think about it.

*Become a "follower" of  MMUB.  Same as above...let me know if you do or already did (yeah...the other 14 of you).  :)

*"Like" MMUB on Facebook (click here or see link on sidebar of MMUW blog)

*Follow by e-mail (in other words...put in your e-mail address and receive an e-mail every time I update) on MMUW

*"Subscribe" to feeds on MMUW

*Refer a friend to either blog...or both...leave a comment for each.  The more friends your refer the more entries you get.

*Grab a button for either blog here and post it on your blog...and don't forget to let me know about it. 

The amount of entries are endless. 

Just don't forget to leave a comment for EACH thing you do (or have already done). 

I will then pick 3 random lucky winners (actually my kids will). 

The winners will recieve a box FULL of some of MY favorite things (I'm not gonna will probably be mostly food...oh how I love it.)

I'm super excited!  Are you?